Arnie has run a sporting goods retail operation for several years and, until recently, he had been lucky. His business grew to the point where he was able to open another location in another town, and that’s when he first discovered that leaving the fate of his bottom line to luck wasn’t going to cut it.
Arnie’s new location wasn’t taking off like his first location did. Business was slow. He needed to do something, but having been “lucky” to this point, he didn’t have any clue where to start. He hadn’t needed to know anything about marketing his business. It had all just worked out, until now.
As he began to search online for marketing and advertising ideas, he was quickly overwhelmed. There were too many options, and of course, every provider said they have the “best marketing tool”. All Arnie saw could see was a haystack, and he wondered if a needle even existed anywhere in there. He had come face to face with the Marketing Monster.
He couldn’t even replicate his previous success, because he couldn’t really see where it had come from and how it got to him. His marketing just happened to him, and he was okay with it until now.
He felt stuck and alone. He was flying blind with no controls to steer with.
When you’re flying blind and have no controls to steer with, it’s impossible the create and control change. Relying on luck is a huge gamble, even if your business is booming right now. Gaining insight and control over marketing is gaining insight and control over the fate of your bottom line, your business, your livelihood, and the livelihood of those who depend on you to find success. No pressure, huh?
Since 1998, we’ve helped hundreds of businesses gain insight into what’s happening right now with their marketing (including the pieces they didn’t know existed), identify opportunities for growth, create plans to drive marketing and business success, and execute pieces of those plans as a marketing partner. We’ve worked with businesses of all shapes and sizes, from global brands to local restaurants and individuals.
The Marketing Monster can be your greatest foe. We help turn him into your best friend.
You don’t just want to understand your marketing - you want to be able to CONTROL it. You want to be able to make a change and see direct results. You want to know what to do before you need to do something. You want to control the fate of your bottom line - your business - your livelihood.
The problem is this dude - the Marketing Monster. He’s a symbolic representation of the mess of marketing solutions, tools, providers, and he’ll eat you alive UNLESS you tame him and train him to follow your commands.
We created a DIY program to teach you how to do just that - by showing you how to discover what’s happening with your marketing right now (including the marketing that’s happening without your knowing about it), helping you develop a plan for things that need to be changed, teaching you to create and control change, and giving you the power to TAME the Marketing Monster.
This agency has been around since ‘98 and has worked with hundreds of businesses of all shapes and sizes - from global brands to local shops and individuals - and we’ve applied this experience to crafting the 9-step, 90-day DIY plan called the Marketing Vision Focuser.
Two big reasons drove our decision to create this program:
1. We encountered countless business owners and managers who wanted to understand their marketing and be more hands-on instead of hiring an agency to handle everything, so this was a way for us to help those business owners and managers.
2. The more that clients we work with understand their marketing and take ownership in the strategy and results, the more good we can do them by executing the pieces that need to be hired out (like website design, video production, and ad campaigns).
Bottom line - the more you get it, the more you get out of it. “It” being marketing.
This 9-step 90-day Marketing Vision Focuser program is NOT for everyone. To make sure that it’s a good fit - you’re ready to do the work and willing to do what it takes to succeed with the MVF program - we use an application process.
Check out the Marketing Vision Focuser program overview and testimonials, and if you’re ready to do the work and gain control of your marketing, submit your application!
We’ll invite you to an Intro Call to talk about your application and what it takes to succeed with the MVF, and if we agree that you’re ready, you can take the next step and enroll.
Once enrolled, you’ll start working through the 9-step 90-day Marketing Vision Focuser and actively develop your very own marketing strategy.
You’ll learn to tame the Marketing Monster. The only question right now is, are you ready to work for it? If so, click here and see what’s included in the MVF program.
If not, that’s ok! We’ll be here when you’re ready to devote the time, energy, and resources to taking control of your marketing, but while you’re waiting it out, start looking at the time, energy, and resources that NOT having control is costing you.
You can understand it. You can control it. The Marketing Vision Focuser program will show you how.