What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a scientist, until I didn't. Then, I wanted to be an artist. More specifically, I wanted to design product packaging.
Fast-forward 20-ish years and here I am, doing just that. How many people can say that they are doing exactly what they dreamed of doing when they were a kid? I’d guess that number is pretty low, and that makes me feel really fortunate.

I'm Jessi
— Creative Director at Storm Cloud Marketing, aka the Pink Ranger. As such, I oversee all things creative, from brand design to photography and video production. Creativity is in my blood (I got it from my momma). Art was always my favorite subject, and when I was introduced to a DSLR camera in my high school yearbook class, I was hooked for life.
After completing my Bachelor of Science degree in Graphic Communications, I got my first "real" job (translated to "office job") at a local publishing company. In 2015 I fell into my job here at Storm Cloud, all because of a Facebook post about an incident with a caramel candy and an uncooked bean that had happened 18 years before (ask me about that sometime).

I grew up on a farm, making mud "potions" and booby traps with my little brother (for our imaginary enemy, Tommy Tucker). Our days were filled with open fields and bare feet. We went to our grandparents’ house every day for "farm lunch" and had sit-down dinner with our parents every night. I picked rocks, played sports, and gigged frogs. That childhood made me the outdoor-loving, not-afraid-of-a-little-dirt adult that I am today.
…and Now
Although I don't make many mud potions these days, I still prefer to spend my free time surrounded by fresh air and sunshine (or a gym). If it's not business hours, it's a safe bet that you can find me doing CrossFit-ey things, taking sun naps in the yard with my doggos, picking wildflowers out of random ditches, taking photos of kids (or families or dogs or bugs or mushrooms or goats or …), hiking, kayaking or fishing with my husband or sitting in a tree-stand.
Go, Go (Pink) Power Ranger!
While I'm involved in almost every project here at Storm in at least some way, the creative realm is my home. If your project involves anything creative – imagery or photos, video or audio scheduling or scripting, print material or digital graphics, etc. – you can bet your buns that you'll be working with me!
So, get ready to be wowed by my incredible sense of humor and how fast I respond to emails (just kidding, please don't hold me to this claim). Now, let's make some pretty projects together!