Summertime and good music are two things that go together like peanut butter and jelly. There is nothing better than soaking up some sun by the pool, on the bank of the creek, or on a boat, while your favorite jams are playing. We all have that one song that, no matter what time of year we hear it, it takes us back to the sunshine of our favorite summer memories.
Here is a list of our favorite summer songs, as well as why we love them, for your listening enjoyment!
Dilemma - Nelly and Kelly Rowland
This was basically the anthem of the summer of 2002. It takes me back to cruisin’ dirt roads in my little red Cougar with a Mike’s hard lemonade in my hand that my boss bought for me because I was only 16 (don’t tell on me).
Anything But Mine - Kenny Chesney
Every Kenny song reminds me of summer, but this one especially because in the song, it’s the end of summer and he’s talking about leaving his summer love. Also, who doesn’t blare some Kenny while setting by the creek in the hot summer sun?
This song reminds me of the summer I fell hopelessly in love with a handsome, wild, long-haired, tattooed biker... But then again every 80’s rock anthem reminds me of that summer. ❤️
Summertime (Live) - Kenny Chesney
If there is one thing you need to know about me, it’s that if I am controlling the music, chances are about every third song will be Kenny Chesney. To me, Kenny Chesney's songs are what summer is all about. Cold drinks, warm sand, a body of water, and good friends. One thing is for sure, the song Summertime always takes me somewhere warm no matter what time of year I hear it. I also chose the live version because one of my favorite parts of Summer is going to a Kenny concert. There’s nothing like a Kenny show in the Summer! This is a staple on my annual Summer playlist.
I Was On A Boat That Day - Old Dominion
If Kenny Chesney plays every third song on my playlist, Old Dominion is playing every fourth song. They have become a staple on my playlist. There is nothing I love more than being at the lake and on the boat in the summer, and this song always makes me feel like I’m right back on the lake enjoying a cold one in the sun. Fun fact, this song was my most played song in 2021 according to Spotify with a whopping 148 times…so clearly I needed to be on a boat…
Redneck Yacht Club - Craig Morgan
Boy, this song takes me back. I remember as a kid when this song came out, we must've listened to it 100 times on the boat that summer. I’m pretty sure I had an illegally burned CD with nothing but this song on it for those hot lake days. Every time I hear this song it takes me right back to being on the boat, tied up with all of the neighbors’ boats, and floating in the lake for hours at a time. What’s not to love?
My mom and dad made all kinds of homemade “spirits” when I was a kid. Every summer we threw a huge party where they would use said spirits to fill an old bathtub with Purple Passion. Everyone who showed up had to toss their keys in a bowl. Most of them had tents in tow. This song reminds me of the endless summers of soaking and scrubbing empty bottles, bonfires, blaring country music, and yodeling.
How can you hear the beach boys and not think of summer? They’re a whole vibe!
Where the Green Grass Grows - Tim McGraw
This song reminds me of the farm and all of us kids running around barefoot all summer long. It reminds me of riding in the back of a pickup truck down dirt roads, driving the tractor (or being drug behind it on the hood of a truck), swimming in the creek, camping, and picking rocks out of the garden every summer.
I have to take a “current fav” approach, because my current playlist is ever-evolving. This song creates a laid-back summer vibe immediately. The first time I heard it, I rolled the windows down, let the music set the scene, and was immediately more “chill”. Any time a song can set a positive vibe for me like that, it goes on my list.
Nice Weather for Surfing - Oilix
Similarly, this one sets a simple chill vibe. I think of the scene I’m wanting to achieve like planning a video shoot. What music would I choose to achieve the desired vibe? How do I want to feel? Music is a chance to write your own movie scenes. This scene is one where the music helps move you along with positive, but relaxed, energy. It’s supportive, intentional background music.
All three of these songs have been added to my playlist in the past month, so remember, they are “current vibe” songs. This one, unlike Nice Weather for Surfing, is intended to be the focus of the scene rather than a background track. If I need to get a head-bob, foot-tap, or general rhythm started, this track can do the trick with a mellow touch.
The Kids Aren’t Alright — The Offspring
This song is about the nostalgia we sometimes feel about our childhoods and how our youthful, carefree naivete tends to shield us from the sometimes harsh realities we are going to inevitably face as adults. Plus, I spent many a summer blasting The Offspring out of any speaker I could find, so every time I hear this tune it makes me have those same feels I had back in the day.
All I Want — A Day to Remember
This song is all about taking a chance when the odds look impossible to overcome and rather than dwelling on your worries and doubts it’s better to put your head down, push forward, and work toward progression in your life. To me, summertime is a season of rebirth and invigoration and a fun pop-punk jam is always going to give me those summer vibes.
Just has a chill vibe that puts me in a mellow mood. Plus, sunflowers grow in the summer, right?