What’s written in stars of the Halloween sky? Find your sign and see what the SCM HORRORscope predicts for you as we wrap up 2023.

DEC 13 - FEB 12
traits: wise, witty, resourceful, stubborn, dramatic
Your fame will rise and so will your fortune, but be careful not to let it go to your head. Remain true to who-who-whoooo you are and utilize your wit to pave the way for major success as the year comes to an end. Start 2024 with fresh enthusiasm and remain confident that you will finally discover how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie-pop.

FEB 13 - APR 12
traits: warm-hearted, friendly, spontaneous, moody, envious
It’s time to pick a new lily pad. You’ve exhausted you’re resources and that won’t fly. Take a leap of faith as you welcome 2024 and enjoy the excitement of a new adventure in a new pond. Stay positive and connected with those close to you and you will not sink.

APR 13 - JUN 12
traits: loyal, playful, generous, cunning, nervous
Let loose and have fun, but don’t spend too much time howling at the moon. Devote yourself to hunting down that dream you’ve been chasing and you will see progress as December winds down. Surround yourself with the closest members of your pack as you enter 2024 and enjoy the support and strength to be found in numbers.

JUN 13 - AUG 12
traits: energetic, positive, intelligent, flighty, restless
Stop hanging around in caves! Things may seem up-side-down right now, but they will settle themselves out as the year wraps up. Use your charm and positive energy to transform your outlook and bring your own good fortune to 2024 and you will fly high.
AUG 13 - OCT 12

traits: empathetic, kind, hilarious, sarcastic, anxious
Any bad luck you may be experiencing has come to an end. Just remember to look both ways before you cross the road and the rest of 2023 will be smooth sailing. Enter the new year with curiosity and an open mind in puuuurrrreparation for great prosperity.

OCT 12 - DEC 12
traits: hardworking, creative, smart, introverted, egotistical
You’ve been hard at work weaving your web and now it’s time to utilize it. Don’t worry if things get sticky. Cut loose any dead weight, dust off your inspiration and sink your fangs into a fresh and exciting new hobby in 2024. The opportunities will be endless.
It looks like we’ve also got a few tricks and a lot of treats up our sleeves in the coming year! Read what’s ahead for the members of our Storm team!
Dustin: Feb 10 OWL
Tony: May 1 WOLF
Shane: May 2 WOLF
Myles: Aug 1 BAT
Candace: Aug 16 BLACK CAT
Kadin: Oct 9 BLACK CAT
Jessi: Oct 16 SPIDER