A company’s brand is arguably one of the most important parts of the business. I mean, it’s literally your face. It’s what people see first. It’s how people remember you. It’s how people know you. (Shave off your beard, and no one will recognize you.) So when we have the opportunity to do brand development for a client, whether it’s a new brand or a refresh of an existing brand, it’s important that we get it just right.
Having been in business for a handful of years, but not having an official “brand” of their own, Bessman Tree Service came to us looking for a face, even though they kind of already had a face: Justin, owner, head lumberjack and the “heart and soul of the business”, whose beard is kind of his signature.

They also wanted baseline custom assets (photos and video), a website and a digital campaign to promote their new look.
Our first task was to create the perfect brand around who they already are and how their clients already see them (and who Justin is). So we threw out a sampling of initial logo options from each of our four designers for the client to review.

The client chose their top contenders, and requested one minor adjustment.
Let’s pause here for a second and just say: collaboration is such a beautiful thing. We LOVE it when we are able to work hand in hand with our clients to create something that is not only accurate, but also extremely personal! (Also, Easter eggs are so much fun!)
As it turns out, Justin has a thing for Squatch. So with that, a Squatch was added and the most perfect logo emerged.

After settling on a brand, it didn’t take long to gather the rest of the photos, video, and remaining items we needed to complete the web build and officially relaunch with their new look. Those items included business cards, yard signs, door hangers and magnets for their company trucks.
See the final site here (keep your eyes peeled for Easter eggs). Take a look around and get a feel for who Bessman Tree Service really is and the kind of quality service they provide. Even if you’ve never met them, you’ll feel like you know them, because this brand fits them just right!